Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

2.9 mi


10:32 mi


45 F
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Warmup prior to interval workout at Arena Park.

Warmup with Brandon as he is doing a 1 mile time trial prior to track season to see where he is at and to be able to fine-tune his 400 interval start points for the first 3 weeks of the season. Runs a 4:41 on a two loop road course by himself. Looked like he was out for a Sunday jog. This is exactly where he needs to be at this point as he has a great base under him and has started the fartlek work during the past 2.5 weeks to prepare himself for the start of the speedwork next week. He didn't look like he was that happy about the time but I was pumped.

Warmup of 2.15 miles then 5 striders while warming up for the mile repeats. Jog/walk recoveries between sets.

Total warmup of 2.85 miles
