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6:45 AM

8.8 mi


8:35 mi


64 F
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Drills and 4 good striders. Not looking for anything fast today on main part of workout. 2 quality sessions on Wed/Fri of intervals and hills so legs already tired.

Looking at 2 mile x 2 at approx 6:30 pace. First 2 miles in 13:01 and dead on pace.... Legs are dead though. 3 min jog then move into second 2 mile interval. First mile in 6:34 but having to work way too hard so decide to just let pace drift upward and run as I can. 2nd mile of 6:52 and know I am finished for the day as far as any speed goes. Just slog through the rest of the miles in 8:29/8:42/9:05 and finally 9:28 pace for last .28.

End of a good training month of May. Legs need some rest at this point. Will go over the 800 mile mark for 2012 on my next run. Wanting to ramp up my mileage a little bit this year but need to do it without injuring myself as has happened multiple times in the past.


11 cents on the ground today with my name on it. As a wise man told me today: " not much, but not Zero". I like that rationale. Can apply it to many things in life.
