Run: Interval Previous Next


9.9 mi


50 F
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Raining. Band Festival cancelled so just going to run in SC Park during rain instead of at Jackson track in rain.

Warm-up: 2.24 in 18:02

5 x 1 mile in Park for 3 then streets for 2. 2.5 min recovery between sets with 2-2:15 min jogging and 15 sec to drink water, get sh*$ together. 1: 5:52 mile then .19 mile jog. 2: 5:55 mile then .20 mile jog. 3: 6:10 mile then .22 mile jog. 4: 5:57 mile then .24 mile jog. 5: 6:05 mile then .24 mile jog.

cool-down: 1.61 mile in 14:01

Kept moving entire workout once starting mile repeats. Felt were good efforts throughout repeats. If known was that close to 10 total would have stumbled another .06 miles but legs pretty beat up at end of workout.
