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8:05 AM

4 mi


5:51 mi


73 F

Race Result

1 / 35 (2.9%)
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Humane Society 4/8 Mile race today. Watched Bram race the 8 miler last year while I was recovering from injury. Unfortunately, he is the one on the sidelines this year but hopefully not for much longer. Fairly warm morning compared to the past 9-10 mornings with increased humidity but partly overcast to assist the runners. Weather doesn't really matter to the 4 milers anyway and very little wind so another non-factor.

Gene Magnus the RD and does a good job with this race. 100% of the race proceeds go directly to the Humane Society. Always good to hear the groups aren't just pocketing the majority of the $$$. Both courses are out-and-back routes.

Lighter crowd this year. Multiple events today including a HS XC meet that is usually scheduled for a week later, a 5K in Perryville and the SEMO Tri Team World Championships at Lake Boutin which all bleed people off of this race.

Several of the usual suspects in the crowd including one I haven't seen for 2+ years and, I guarantee, the only former National Champion in today's field. Many of the people competing today are doing the race as part of their long runs. Marcy Ambler did 23 miles prior to jumping into the 4 mile event.

JW, Dr. Seth Hudson the bone cracker, Chell Jannin, Carol Winter and her daughter Tori, Shannon Daniels all in the 8 mile race. They begin at 8:00 a.m. and the 4 milers start 5 min following their send-off.

4 milers include Scott Duncan, Mike Burnett, Mike Higgins and the one and only Art Waddle.

I am asked by Scott D if I can run under 6 min pace for 4 miles. I state that is an affirmative for today.

We take off with exactly 5 min on the Roadrunner's clock and I ease out to the front as I had positioned myself at the L hand front corner while chatting with Scott D. Someone stays right behind me for the first .20 mile then I lose the field as they all drop off my initial mile pace. As I proceed through the first mile I wonder how many 8 milers I will pass prior to my 2 mile turnaround. The answer is 6 people.

First mile split = 5:48; a little fast but will find out at around mile 3 how much too fast.

Mile 2 split = 5:52; purposefully eased off the throttle a little bit and the turnaround also affects the mile 3 split slightly but only a couple seconds.

Mile 3 -heading back into traffic. Most people are keeping to the right but not all of them. Not really sure why some people can't listen to directions by RD to "stay to the Right" but it is what it is. I know the last half of the race is all mental and just work to maintain turnover and reduce the tendency of the stride to shorten and tighten as your core/hips begin to fatigue as the race enters to latter stages. Mile three split of 5:53 and 3 mile elapsed time of 17:33. I know the course, if I maintain good tangents, is going to be a click or two short of 4.0 miles as the 2 mile mark was just a few meters past the turnaround mark.

Still feel good at 3 mile mark but begin to feel the energy fading around 3.4 miles into the race. Pace has slowed to 6:02 when I glance at the watch so make an effort to increase the cadence back up to sub-6 min pace. Chastise myself for slowing down as I still have plenty left but more difficult not to slow down when no one to chase. Come around the corner and to the bridge and finally have the balls to kick the speed back up with just under .20 miles left.

Finish final .98 miles in 5:50 for a 5:57 pace. Not great finish speed but elapsed time on the clock = 23:22...... Hell Yeah!

JW wins another OA 8 mile race in a comfortable 54:08. Have a good chat with him post-racing. I believe Carol Winter wins the female OA 8 mile title; another example of the 50+ crowd fending off all the youngsters.


23:22 for a 50 y/o man punching in 3.98 miles (garmin distance) into the 2015 age-graded calculator:

--- Age graded result = 20:38

--- Age performance % = 81.48%

win-win for the CBGME team. Got a cool dog bowl and personalized steel dog bone as OA winner. My third OA title this year and second since turning the big 5-0.

There is still more speed left; I need to get into a race with a fast field to see what I can do.
