Run: Race Previous Next


9:00 AM

6.4 mi


6:00 mi


48 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

2 / 107 (1.9%)


At the starting point along with several master's runners I recognize and a bunch of college kids. See Kyle Monroe, and know who everyone will be following. Talk with him for awhile after the race and seems like a good guy. I take the far L of the front row in attempt not to get trampled by all the college kids surrounding me who say they are hoping to run a 39/40 min time.

We start and Reach takes the lead followed by about 9 other guys. Okerson and another 50+ guy ahead of me through the first half mile as I am in 10th place. Taking it nice and easy and working to check down to 6 flat pace; lots of time. My garmin beeps about 50m before the 1 mile mark and reads 5:59; Now in 4th place as most of the HS/college boys are fading. Okerson and the other 50+ guy still ahead of me but I am starting to gain as the second mile is almost an entirely uphill grade. Catch one of them at 1.5 miles and go by; catch Okerson just before 2 miles and go by him. Some guy on a bike is pacing him. Hit the 2 mile mark via garmin in 12:01 with 6:02 mile split. Take some water just past 2 mile point. Mile 2: Had to put forth more effort due to climbing and felt like 5:50/mile effort. Reach is already almost one min ahead of me as I am now in 2nd. time to focus.

3rd mile is rolling hills- watching leader's back and working on maintaining turnover. Garmin hits 3 mile alert at 17:53 for a 5:52 split. Also about 30 sec before their 3 mile sign. The course is either long or lone of the miles is very short. 4th mile is spent attempting to hold 6 flat pace. Can feel myself slowing slightly and hitting mini-surges in attempt to maintin faster turnover. Garmin 4 mile in 23:56 with 6:03 split.

Turn back to East just after 4 miles and can see college boy about 40 sec behind me. Mile 5 point on garmin in 30:07 and split of 6:11. I knew that mile was not going to be pretty and wishing I had someone closer than 1.5 min ahead of me to focus on. First 1/3 of mile 6 is the last uphill on the course and work hard to grind up to the top to discourage anyone behind me who may have ideas of running me down. Crest the hill and continue working hard to the 6 mile mark. Garmin 6 mile mark in 36:04 with split of 5:57. Takes me an additional 1:02 to come to the 6 mile marker. Look at the garmin and it reads 6.21 miles; click it and begin to speed up as I still have about .20 miles to go. 6.21 mile garmin mark = 37:23. Cross the finish line, click the garmin and the clock reads 38:15; Total garmin distance = 6.38 miles.

Reach finishes in 36:02. The third place guy comes in in 39:04. I finish 2nd OA to a former SIU runner.

Guessing 6.20 via my garmin was a 37:19 today. Dont want to sound like a baby but was looking for a faster time.

However, I always like to focus on the positives: I held 6:00 pace for nearly 6.40 miles on a hilly course while running the last 4.4 solo -- therefore, I can definitely see a sub-6 min 12K finish on an essentially flat course with plenty of company so..., Next!!!

Finished the aftermoon with some stealth recovery mowing prior to the weekly Sunday CBEM co-founders meeting/run.
