Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:45 PM

6 mi


7:35 mi


TM run. First 2 miles in 17 min then next 3 miles in 20 min with first mile at 6:45 then trending downward to 6 flat pace during 2-2.5 mile prior to back to 6:56 pace to finish out 3 mile segment. Slow, easy slog to finish up the run.

Some lifting and stretching to finish out the 2019 calendar year.

Didn't race much but logged 1326 miles and stayed relatively healthy until mid-July when I torched the 54 y/o 2 mile MO record in 11:34. Felt like shit for about 4 weeks after that race. Crossed the 16,000 mile logged mile mark last week. My buddy passed the 23,000 mile mark... I didn't even see him lap me all those times.... Oh well, Kudos to him. I hope he makes it to 50,000 and am betting on him to do it.


Dexter 5K - 18:42 and ran that one with MoBram

Go StL All-American 5K certified - 18:24; 82% and 53rd of 934; 2nd in my age group and got my ass handed to me by 53 seconds by the 50-54 y/o National 5K Champ from Michigan ---- long way to travel to kick my ass....

Sweatfest 2 Mile certified - 11:34 and 54 y/o State record. Mid-80s age-graded time.

SC Football 5K - 19:00 and won it for the 4th time.

Gobble Wobble 5k certified - 20:00. 76%

Plan for 2020 ---- keep running, stay fairly healthy and do NOT do anything stupid like sign up for an ultra event.



Let's keep it rolling in 2020. CBEGM Rules!


That is the plan. Smart training, proper and frequent maintenance work and some good luck and we will probably get it done.