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6:45 AM

10.8 mi


7:31 mi


55 F
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Perfect morning. Too bad I am not feeling better. Not sure what is wrong but something is jacked up. Can't put my finger on it yet. Easy effort through 4 miles with just noticeable 'aching' in R hip. That is different. Usually L side that is F'd up. Stop and stretch for a few minutes. Aching is gone. Just tired in general. Feel a slight twinge in my L achilles about 10 mile mark so slow down to mid-8s and putt-putt into the parking lot.

To the gym for some light CLX band work and some planks/side planks.

Heading home for some food then out for about 4 hours of mowing this afternoon. My "helper" sprained his ankle playing basketball last night so he doesn't get to make any $$$ and I get to mow for an extra 2 hours. Typical kid....



Think you may have hit on it a few days ago. Lot of extra reps with presentation and testing demos. Plus two longer races in 30 days on not-so-friendly courses.


Yep. Just need to be careful for the next 3-4 weeks.