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8:00 AM

6.4 mi


7:49 mi


34 F
  • Map


Plan for today's intervals are 1.50 miles at just over 6 min pace to get warmed up good and work our legs at just shy of threshold pace then jump into the 1200m intervals with attempt to cut each one down toward 5K race pace. JT running these with me as Bram finishes off a hard week with some HM/15K work.

1.5 miles on outer loop on roads and we start running the quarter mile loop by conservation area before going straight into the teeth of the wind on our way up toward the armory. Running right at 6:10 pace as we crest the hill prior to going onto Independence St. Wind was tough but once onto Indepedence much easier effort required during rest of the interval. 1.52 miles in 9:13 with mile paces of 6:08/6:00 prior to 5 min jog back to starting point for 1200 repeats. Recovery run right at 7:30 pace and now sufficiently warmed up.

1200m x 4 with .30 mile recovery jogs. JT bolts out front on the first one and I lag behind as we are way too fast for projected 6 flat pace. Finish first interval well under 6 pace so will make the 3rd/4th intervals more interesting.

Mile paces for 4 intervals = 5:49/5:46/5:43/5:30 with JT a couple seconds faster than me on first and fourth trips.

Cut it loose on the fourth one and attempted to roll thru entire interval at 5K effort needed at end of the race. Tough but manageable and JT getting stronger with each rep. He is going to complete a dominating trifecta at the local races in 2014 IMHO.

Post-workout cooldown and sounds like everyone pleased with the results of the workout.



Impressive negatives on the 1.5 and 1200s.