Run: Hill Previous Next


6:20 AM

8.5 mi


3.85 mile warmup in 28:52 with three surges inserted in last 1.5 miles to wake up legs. Drills and easy jogging for another .25 prior to walking across road to viaduct passover going into Old Illmo.

6 hill repeats with recovery jogging back past starting position + a little extra distance to ensure recovery. Paces ranged from 5:06-5:21 on hill repeats.

.16 mile in :48 sec and .21 mile recovery jog in 1:46

.16 mile in :49 sec and .21 mile recovery jog in 1:50

.16 mile in :50 s .21 mile 1:49

.15 mile in :49s .22 mile 1:56

.15 mile in :49s .22 mile 1:50

.16 mile in :49s

Directly into cooldown miles of 7:43/ 7:34/ 2:30(7:24 pace) for 2.34 miles total.
