Run: Interval Previous Next


4:30 PM

10.1 mi


7:58 mi


62 F
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Interval workout. Elliot S and I did 4 x 400m with one min recovery breaks then 4 min (2 min jog, 2 min rest) then 3 x 600m with 2:00 min recovery jog. Other group of Shannon A, Jamie S and Shawn G did 3 x 1 mile repeats.

Warmup: 4.40 miles in segments of 1.50/1.55/1.35 miles total time of 33:30. 4 striders and double drill set/jogging for another .85 for total warmup of 5.25 miles

400s: 75/77/75/77sec - fast but felt smooth. Elliot leading 2-4th repeats by 2-3 seconds. Wind to back on 1/2/4th intervals.

600s: 2:00/1:50/1:53 splits with recovery jogs of .26/.22/.26 miles.

600 splits of 5:17/4:51/5:00 pace. Elliot leading the way on all the 600s and finished 3-5 seconds ahead of me on each interval. 1st/2nd intervals against wind first half; 3rd interval with wind to back.

1.93 cooldown jog in 15:33 (8:03 pace)
