Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

3.3 mi


7:32 mi


Didn't do anything this morning due to mild tightness in L hip flexor. Doesn't hurt but feels like I overdid something. I know what it was. During work today ended up thinking about not doing anything aerobic for 60+ hours prior to tomorrows run and decided that would probably not be a good idea. Running drills prior to easy jog session.

3.25 mile run with splits of 7:31/ 7:32/ 7:29/ 1:54 (7:42). .75 mile walk for cooldown then light stretch. Did forego the striders tonight as didn't want to stress the hip flexor when not hurting and going to use last Saturday's speed session and yesterday's tempo run as prior faster running sessions.

Been looking at several runner's logs and noticing a pattern typical of many master's runners. Bottom line is that you can get away with overtraining and overracing for a while but eventually you WILL slow down or take a break whether you want to or not. Can be a voluntary mileage reduction or in the form of an injury curtailing the training.

Someone said recently, "Masters running is 50% training and 50% injury management." I believe this to be 100 percent true. It is amazing to follow some of the logs and notice the impending "train wreck" as it becomes closer and closer. It is hard for the motivated runner to see what is happening most of the time without having outside, objective assistance with this task.
