Run: Interval Previous Next


5:15 AM

7.4 mi


6:30 mi


Change into #4 Black Ronin 3s. Shoes still feel really good on my feet and usually have some great workouts in them. Begin with 4.5 laps of drills and 4 progressive surges to prime the pump. Feel really strong and interested to see how the workout goes.

Workout Plan: 20 min interval/2 min recovery jog at 8:00 min pace/17 min interval/ 5 min cooldown = 45 min.

20 min interval at 6:18/mile pace at 1.5% incline while throwing in 3 "hills" of 3-4% grade included for .20-.25 mile lengths. Course map appears to have several 3-4% grades in the loops.

---very comfortable entire interval.

2 min recovery jog at 0-.5% incline at 8:00 pace

17 min interval at 1.5% incline with 2 "hills" of 4% included with each hill .20 miles.

First 13 minutes at 6:11 mile pace for 2.1 miles total then final 4 min at 6:03 mile pace.

---first 10-12 min still comfortable/easy and feeling like hard effort only for final 2-2.5 minutes.

5 min cooldown at 8:00-8:30 mile pace with TM at 0% grade. 7 miles total on TM today.

Covered approx 6.1 miles at simulated race pace while throwing a few hills in to make course more realistic. Will do one additional similar long interval day toward the end of next week but less total time at race pace. Work is almost all in the bank with just a couple additional workouts needed prior to race week. Then all we need is a decent day to run with wind under 10 mph.
