Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

3.2 mi


10:57 mi


70 F


Humid morning. Very sticky. Get to the race at 7:00 and people EVERYWHERE. HM and full marathon suckers are taking off at 7:30. Run the first 1/2 mile of the race course to judge the distance to the first left hand turn which takes us up the only significant hill on the course. Once I come back toward the course, I check the final turn off the Katy trail to make sure I have it down then run the Katy trail down to where we jump on it about 1.75 miles into the race.

I get back to the final turn moving to the main road and final .22 mile portion of the course as the HM/M folks go by. Some joker sees me watching as they run by and invites me to join them. Asshole probably wouldn't wanted me to do that 5 years ago. See Kevin Dorris already ahead of JW at the .22 mile portion of the race and know there are going to be some miserable people finishing both of the long events. Head to the starting line 15 min pre-5K start and start wending my way through all the folks taking up space and using air. Hot and humid but I feel like I am ready to go. Brandon tried to sign up yesterday and they told him it was sold out.... WTF???
