Run: Interval Previous Next


4:45 PM

9.8 mi


8:11 mi


26 F
  • Map


26 degrees at start of session. Down to 23 degrees by the end. Wind out of NW at around 10 mph.

Warmup of 3.18 miles in 24:00 then quick stretch and 4 striders for total warmup of 3.70 miles

Intervals on Arena Park Mile loop; Goal was to run at 5K effort.

1: .76 mile = 4:24(5:50) then .32 mile recovery jog = 2:33

2: .76 mile = 4:25(5:53) then '' "= 2:38

3: .67 mile = 3:42(5:30) then .40 mile "=3:16

4: .77 mile = 4:29(5:51) then .33 mile "=2:53

45 second recovery break then cooldown of 1.75 miles = 14:19

Pretty good workout considering the temp. Really just don't care to run much if the temp is below about 27 degrees with any type of wind involved. Call me a pussy... I don't care.

Thought I was going to puke after the 4th repeat due to lower left abdominal pain but disappeared after a couple min of easy jogging. Only saw one other person running while I was at it - Mrs. Jannin
