Run: Long Previous Next


7:30 AM

12.8 mi


9:23 mi


30 F
  • Map


30 degrees with 7-8 mph wind to start and 34 with 10 mph wind and clouding up by the end of the run. Running with CBEM President and discussing the indoor racing yesterday with additional insights/commentary.

4.14 mile warmup to the trail head and back to Arena in 34:00 for 8:13 pace.

Additional .84 miles of drills/striders/jogging for 5.0 mile total warmup.

7.80 miles of running in 1:02:30 with the first 4+ on the grass then a trip south on the trail and back to finish off the run.

Quads are trashed from the race yesterday, lifting following the race, then mileage from today.
