Run: Interval Previous Next


6:15 AM

8.8 mi


65 F
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Legs still sore from Thursday sprint. Remind me not to do that again.

Decided to warmup then see if my legs felt up to long intervals. Easy jogging behind strip mall in attempt to loosen legs then started with 2.35 miles in 18:43; more drills and additional stretching. Legs still felt heavy but what the hell - out here and looking like it could rain any time.

One mile repeats x 3 then 800m and 400m intervals with jogs and recovery. Little different sequence than straight 3 min recoveries for a change of pace plus beginning to add some shorter intervals.

First mile: 5:38 then three min recovery

Second mile: 5:39 then .50 mile jog in 4 minutes then 3 min recovery w/ stretching

Third mile: 5:31 then .70 mile jog in 6 minutes then 3 min recovery " "

800m in 2:40 then 400m jog then 400m in 1:17

Cooldown: 1.05 miles in 9:00; Legs toast.
