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8:30 AM

5 km


5:55 mi


54 F


Got a text Wed from Splitmaster saying some old guy wanted to do the Biathlon but could only bike so looking for a runner. I told him I was planning on doing a longer run that day anyway so would do it in the middle of my workout.

Originally planning to do my 4+ warmup with Brandon but he bailed on me this morning.

Recognize several of the participants from last year. The guy who I believe won it is on the front line and bolts out at sub 5:30 pace. I know he isnt keeping that pace long so hang out behind him for about .4 miles then pull up along side and chat for a bit. He, like me, likes to get out of the way of the "masses" early. I remember he ran about a mid-19s last year and wish him luck as I pull ahead. I am running at 5:45 pace and plan to keep it there for the first mile prior to slowing down on the second mile which has a gentle incline for about 250m then a false topped hill that runs for about .35 miles which usually cools everyone off who are moving at a faster than recommended clip.

First mile split of 5:43 and can still hear the guy about 5-7 seconds behind me. Oh well; I guess he wants to be good and tired prior to getting on the bike. As soon as I start going up the first real incline at about 1.3 miles I do not hear any more footsteps. Up the hill(s) and around the corner toward the 2 mile mark. Just maintaining even effort up the hill and 2nd mile 6:09; Still feeling very comfortable and on slight decline at this point in the race. Decide to punch it down for a sub-6 mile to finish and see how I feel at the end. 3rd Mile in 5:55 for 3 mile split of 17:44.

Final .12 miles in 35 seconds and over the timing mat at 18:19. Official time on the chip = 18:22. The time clock was at 20:xx when I ran past it. Splitmaster asked me if I still had my garmin running after I passed the timing chip to the biker. I did so we reset the clock to the proper time. The second runner went over the timing mat at 19:38 and his family was screaming at him that he "was in first place as the first runner was on a team". I looked at them as the lady then said "He looks really tired." I said to her "that is what happens when you go out in a 5:50 mile then run a mid-19 min 5K. She just looked at me and I continued to talk to SM and John Dodd.

Good fast run and felt good through the whole run. Great morning to stretch out the legs and do some "speed work" although I hate that term as people use it to talk about jogging 10-12 min miles.... however, I quickly digress. I know: racers/joggers.

Only locals I saw were buzz thompson, tiffany smith and Maevers(?) guy from Jackson. Buzz/Tiffany both talked to me; Maevers just looked at me and didnt say anything. Don't know why he would as I only see him 3-4x wk at the gym while on the bike.

Age-percentage result: 80.32%

Age-graded result: 16:10

Finished the morning by mowing a yard after eating with the wife at a local diner in Jonesboro. I think we probably raised to average IQ in that place 10-15 points by walking in the door. Geez!
