Run: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

4.9 mi


6:32 mi


Jay T joins the group today for a workout.

Plan is 25-27 min run starting at 6:30 pace and drifting down toward 6:10 pace depending on feel. Just wanting to get approx 4.25 miles in and working an outer loop with several inclines for the first half of the run then finishing up on the flat one mile Arena Park loops.

Mile splits: 6:24/6:24/6:15/6:11/1:46 for final .29 miles (6:05) then 5 min of recovery jogging

Jay was hoping he didn't "slow me down" today. Funny comment as he was getting stronger with each mile we ran. Guy is going to roll some people in 2014 races.

Good workout and a good prep for the First Annual CBEM 3 Mile Time trial next week.
