Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

2.1 mi


9:03 mi


Still wondering if I could have got the StL race in but pretty wet around the area. The hourly forecast for U-city changed since last night so they probably got the race in without getting soaked. Oh well; now I guess I get to race locally next week in more normal winter conditions.

Easy 23.5 laps on indoor track. Beginning lap 5 I did some type of drill along the south end of the track so got some good drills/leg stimulation in.

To the plyo section after running for the following:

25 lateral lunges, 2 sets 20 reps squatting with 10# ball then 15 reps with 25# barbell.

step-ups x 15 reps each with low and medium box then lateral step ups x 15 with low box.

12 reps then 10 reps box jumps up to medium platform

Lifting: 3 sets of prone HS curls, 3 sets of cable deadlifts, 2 sets of low cable rows, 2 sets of cable military presses
