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6:45 AM

8 mi


  • Map


Drills and 3 striders warmup of additional .70 miles. Sweating like crazy but well hydrated and not worried about it. Planned on doing some 2 mile repeats but decided last minute to do my work today looking at the new route along the City of Roses HM course. Roadrunners have had to divert the course due to Casino construction so now running on the street in which ABC company is on. Cant remember the name but it is just before coming to Shawnee Park and jumping onto the Osage Trail. Will add another hill to the course this year.

6 miles at between 6:45-7:00 pace then cooldown is the plan.

Mile splits: 6:48/6:49/7:04/6:47/6:52/6:48 = 41:10 elapsed on 6.0 miles then cooldown of 1.30 miles: 8:23/2:31(8:31 pace). 52:04 total for 7.30 miles.

Good session and great company. JJ drove so I was buying the recovery soda this week.

Xtng total: +25
