Run: Race Previous Next


8:20 AM

3.4 mi


6:37 mi


80 F


9 / 10
9 / 10

Race Result

5 / 253 (2%)
1 / 14 (7.1%)
5 / 164 (3%)
  • Map


Got off the bike with legs smoking. Took a little extra time to get about 6 oz of water/gatorade mix down then out the gate. Legs wobbly and know I may have screwed my run biking too hard.

First mile felt BAD. Hit my garmin at .07 miles into the race after crossing over the timing mat and moving at 6:42 pace. First full mile on garmin after technical difficulties indicate 6:49 pace and just trying to survive but starting to get things under control a little better and legs coming back a little bit at the end of this mile. Next mile at 6:34 pace and feeling much better as I move toward the turn around area. Passing alot of people on this out-and-back course. Now starting to pick up the pace and third mile in 6:25. Moving toward last turn prior to coming into finish chute so know I have about .40 miles to go. Finish final .39 miles in 2:17 for 5:52 pace and this part of the race actually felt the best of all of the distance. Garmin distance of 3.46 miles.

Looking at race results: Interesting that only 5 of 14 in the 50-54 age group ran under 30 min on the 3.4 mile course and only two of us ( me and the 3rd place guy Holman) ran under 25 min for the distance.

My total time for the race --- 56:17.

Fleet Feet timing the race. Rolling screen showing people who had finished and initially I was in 3rd OA but I knew there were 3-4 more heats behind me. I told Toni I thought there was a pretty good chance 1 or 2 guys might slip under my time as I knew past top 3 results. Two more guys did.

Mike Barro, a very good distance runner from StL was OA winner. He is 47. The rest of the top 4 were 36 years or younger.

I was able to remove the guy who had been winning our age-group for the last 4-5 years and drop him into 2nd place in our age group. Don't know if he is a sore loser but do know he didn't show up for the award ceremony to pick up his runner-up medal....... Chatted with the 3rd place guy in the 50-54 age group for a while; name was Daryl Holman. His first triathlon also and he was happy with his finish as was I. Looks like a pretty serious runner; at least had that gaunt, distance runner look.



If dethroned AG winner gets all pissy when he gets knocks off his perch, would suggest he do something about it...maybe get off his bike some, work on his pathetic run, then come back and try again.