Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:44 AM

10.2 mi


76 F
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Warmup: 3.75 miles in 29:07 then short break for stretch and hydration.

Plan is to run close to 4 miles on tempo but back pace off to around 6:10/mile since will be doing another 3.5/4.0 mile tempo run inside of long run on Sunday.

Striders of :19 sec/// :26 sec/// :35 sec for total of .25 mile;

Tempo run of 3.84 miles in 23:43. Splits: 6:11/6:12/6:08/5:11(6:10).......directly into cooldown run of 2.35 miles in 18:14 with splits of 7:50/7:41/2:43(7:50).
