Run: Interval Previous Next


6:00 AM

9.1 mi


8:01 mi


74 F


2.70 warm up; light stretch and a couple of surges to wake up my fast-twitch.

1.32 miles in 7:35 with first mile split of 5:45 and ave pace of 5:45

5 min of easy jogging = .55 mile

.76 mile in 4:22 = ave pace of 5:49; Tried to go out a bit easier on that one. Did not do the third interval as obtained the information I wanted and don't want to leave my race on a SC county road.

Finished up with another 3.8+ miles of easy jogging. Into the house for 8 single leg tabata reps x 35 sec each and some chins/abdominal hangs for core work.

Big rainstorm last night and must have dropped some coins from the sky. $1.48 total but only 1.38 of it legal tender as one of the dimes is bent to the point of no return. Not any pre-1965 coins like some folks but still a great haul.
