Run: Interval Previous Next


8:00 AM

5.9 mi


6:38 mi


40 F
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Longer intervals today. Looking to keep everything at/below 6 flat pace.

First Interval: 10:03 elapsed time on then 5 min recovery jog: 1.67 miles in 10:03 with splits of 6:01/4:02(6:01 pace) then .61 miles on recovery jog at 8:06 pace.

Second interval: One mile repeat with 3 min jog recovery: Splits of 5:43 then .38 miles in 3 min on recovery.

Third interval: 8:00 min with 7+ recovery jog: 2.20 miles total with 1.37 miles in 8 min; Splits of 5:53/5:51 pace for .37 miles. Recovery jog of .83 miles in 7:21


Summary: A bit under 24 min at 5:43-6:01 mile paces with recovery jogs breaking up the timed segments.

Hard workout.
