Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:25 AM

5.6 mi


6:40 mi


Quick shoe change, drink of water then to the 'mill.

Continuous run with first three mile splits of 6:40/6:27/6:18. Next .85 miles at 6:07 pace. Final .65 at 6:35 pace.

Cooldown of 1+ miles starting at 7:18 and drifting down to 8:12 pace.

6.5 total miles at sub-7 min pace with 4.5 miles between 6:40-6:07 pace.

Finished with 4 sets of deadlifts holding 25/35# plates and 2 sets of lat pulls on machine. Also did step ups/side step ups and 10 plyo box jumps to med height box.
