Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 PM

8.3 mi


61 F
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2.50 miles in 19:30 then 4 striders - 21/ 27/ 28/ 39sec + .20 jog prior to tempo run. 3.10 for warmup

Tempo run: 3.61 miles in 22:34 for 6:15 ave pace. Splits of 6:11/ 6:17/ 6:17/ 3:49 (6:12).

Cooldown of 1.61 miles at 9:30 pace.

Tempo run felt pretty good. Held my average mile splits closer than other recent tempos and the run felt under control as far as speed was concerned. Able to keep from blowing out the first mile out like I usually do. Worked to hold low 6 min pace throughout the last 2.61 miles.

Needing to get the tempo pace right at 6 flat average for the tempo runs prior to Elite 5K. I believe the combination of weekly interval work and tempo runs will drop the average times down if performed correctly.
