Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

14.9 mi


7:12 mi


67 F


Head into town a little early as tossing and turning all night. Into the Running Co parking lot and end up doing easy .25 miles of drills prior to the rest of the gang showing up.

9 guys in the COR group this morning and have several guys planning on doing the 90 min progression run with the rest of them doing 22 miles in prep for the Sioux City Marathon in 4 weeks.

Bryan K, myself, Coach Ryan Lane, Ross M and Adam D are doing the 90 min progression. The rest of the group, JW, Gene M, Andy J and newbie to the running group Chris B are planning on a 22 mile jaunt. Coach Lane is running with us then looping back to pick up with the other group at the end.

We all go out and will run together at the 7:45-7:40 mile pace for the first 30 min prior to the progression guys picking up the pace.

Mile splits: 7:59/7:36/7:42/7:26/6:50/6:49/6:47/6:51/6:29/6:26/6:32/6:24/6:27 pace for .90 miles; 90 min run = 12.90 miles. Adam D falls off our pace about 6 miles in as we roll through the first couple of hills. Ross M verbally states he is going to hang on as long as possible; When coming up to last hill on the course at approx 8.8 miles (?) we are nearing the 60 min mark and ready to drop down to 6:30 mile pace. Ross states he is staying at 7 flat pace and Coach Ryan stays with him. Kelpe and I move forward.

At the 10 mile mark, Bryan tells me he is feeling the effects of his 8 mile run yesterday at near 7 flat pace in which he lost 6 miles and still feels dehydrated. At the 10.5 mile mark he tells me he is going to go 20 min instead of 30 min and peels off just inside of Walden Park turnoff. I am still feeling good and, although thinking about dropping down to 6:15-6:20 mile pace for the final 10 min, decide to play it safe and stay where I am pace-wise to finish up the run.

Cooldown of 8:30 then 8:34 pace for last .70 mile.

***Encouraged by today's run and ability to maintain 6:30ish pace for the final 5 miles at the end of a nearly 50 mile week. Feel am on track with 5 weeks till COR HM. This is my last "Long" run until the race and will now run mileage according to how my legs feel as the week progresses.

Checked out Bram's log for today and looks like he is on track for some solid fall races. CBEM will look to roll some folks as the season progresses.
