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8:00 AM


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Tempo bike


Tempo bike warmup prior to squat/LE work. Finished with Windmill exercises. Hit 140 bpm heartrate during last 8 minutes of tempo ride.

Went to Ghisallo yesterday to look at their long running tights. (way too expensive, even with the discount) Ended up talking with Bruce Nie and his parents for quite a while as well as Steve Wachter from Jackson and Mitch Gerber. All of these people are quality people and enjoyed shooting the breeze with each.

Peter Kinder was in the store when I first showed up and I took their picture outside the store for the "official ribbon cutting" ceremony. I think they are talking with him in an attempt to get the timing for the Pro Bike Ride in Missouri for 2010. The official name escapes me at the moment. Brke Mariot asked me if I was going to be at their first "group run" this morning at 10 o'clock. When I told her I wouldn't be there she said, "excuses,excuses, excuses". Kind of starting to sound like her husband and just solidifies my prior decisions.

Good first week back and hope to build upon it a week at a time. Have been looking at the 10 April 5k/10k in Cape and think I may run the 5k prior to heading to Jackson to watch Brandon run in the JAX Invitational. At least that is my preliminary plan. All depends upon how the next 3-4 weeks shape up.
