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8:10 AM

6.7 mi


6:43 mi


40 F
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Main part of workout @ 10K race pace. 2M x 2 then 1.3M x 1 with three min recovery jogs.

1. 2.35 miles total with mile splits of 6:11/6:07

2. 2.35 miles total with mile splits of 6:06/6:04

3. 2.0 miles with 1.3 splits of 6:04/1:43 (5:46 pace) then .70 cooldown while waiting for Grandmaster to finish his workout.

Miles 2-5 all had 2-3 inclines and working both with/against a strong wind. Great workout considering the conditions. The Grandmaster was rolling today and looked very strong and smooth during his intervals....I am going to ask him if the planking is the "secret".......................
