Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

13.3 mi


7:44 mi


4 mile warmup = 31:10 on Osage trail heading north on out and back. 2 min recovery for hydration and ditch some clothes.

4.25 mile tempo run = 29:05 on Osage trail heading north on out and back to parking lot at Kingsway below Plaza Tire. 2 min recovery for light stretch.

5.00 mile jog along Osage trail heading south on out and back in 42:00 for 8:24 pace. Front half slower then picked up the pace the last 1.5 miles to low-8 min pace.

Temp of 27 and cloudy. At around 10:00 the sun came out and it warmed up considerably and temp of 33 at end of workout. Only light wind, probably 5-7 mph. Great morning to run.
