Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:30 AM

6.3 mi


6:38 mi


34 F
  • Map


Plan is for 20 min tempo, 4 min recovery jog then 15 min tempo. Looking at 10K effort, knowing the 20-25 mph wind will temper the pace somewhat. Running the streets along the outer portion of Arena Park including 2 trips up Independence Street past the Armory and 2 trips up Rodney Street and onto the outer portion of the Park by Andy's Frozen Yogurt.

20 min tempo with mile splits of 6:07/6:15/6:02. Beginning quarter mile and most of second mile heading into the wind.

15 min tempo with mile splits of 6:36/6:34. Changing direction to get both miles with some headwind pleasure.

Tough workout, mainly due to the wind but, probably 50% chance today's conditions will be what we get on Feb 02. Felt like 8-10K pace all the way today so accomplished the workout goal.

CBEM co-founders both look like a couple of near-drowned Old men at the end of the workout.



Few folks went running today, but not too many got in a workout.