Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

4.3 mi


11:38 mi


65 F


Warmup for Dutchman's Dash 5K race. About 50 (?) bikers for the biathlon and I heard mention of 280 total registered as of this morning. Over double of last year's event.

Go to the finish line chute, talk to Doug Ambler for a bit and head out on the first part of the course. Planning on running a mile out to get my .5 and 1.0 mile marks then head back to the truck to change clothes and finish the race prep.

Perfect morning to race. Essentially no wind and mid-60s temp with some cool air. My body is actually buzzing as I warm up and working to relax during the initial warmup and save the adrenaline for the racing.

2.1 miles initially; change of clothes/shoes and, after some light stretching, back out for some light drills and a few striders.

Cooldown post-race with JW. Easy couple loops around the perimeter of the area as we chat about racing and getting older and all the challenges of staying engaged in the process. Run an very easy 1.3 miles and call it as JW needs to get his wife into Cape and I am finished with running for the day as I have 4 yards to keep me busy for my real recovery.
