Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:00 AM

7 mi


77 F
  • Map


Absolutely no motivation this morning. Barely got out the door. Suppose to do a 4 mile tempo. Cut it down. Temp 77 degree and humidity sky-high. Chance of rain this afternoon/night pushed me out the door.

Warmup = 2.56 miles in 19:53. Stopped at City ball fields to drink some water, stretch lightly, do striders and try to get my shi# together.

Striders: :26sec = 427'/// :30sec = 516'/// :49sec = .17mile then jog another .10 to the start point

Tempo run: Originally to do 4 miles at 6:10 pace; Changed it to approx 2.5 miles holding near 6:00 pace

2.77 miles in 16:35 for 6:00 pace. Splits of 6:01///6:01///4:33(5:56) for .77 mile.

Directly into cooldown of 1.20 miles in 9:49. Wiped out.
