Run: Race Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 km


5:46 mi


139 lb


78 F

Race Result

1 / 55 (1.8%)
  • Map


Good crowd today for the race. Informed just over 100 entrants (runners/walkers) and 54 dogs on the course. See Chad S with his canine; he must know I am going for the 5-peat and I am grateful. Usual suspects in this one including a bunch of HS kids from local parochial school. I am going to run this one by feel and relax on the 3 hills that make up the majority of the first mile.

Starting gun goes off and I ease into my initial race trot for the first quarter mile as I see which HS kid wants to give himself up for the cause, my cause. Nellie takes the point. I follow up the first hill then relax a little more as we begin the climb of the 2nd and nastiest hill grade. The third hill is not too bad in either distance or grade and I am about 12 seconds behind the leader at this point in the race (.75) As we begin to descend the hill, it is time to start putting the pressure on the leader. I dont look at my garmin but find out after the race it was a 5:34 first mile.... I thought I was being conservative on the hills today, The hill repeats can't be working yet as I have only gotten 3 sessions in. Glad I didn't look at my mile split.

The second and third miles are an out and back with gentle inclines/descents in about 3 places. I pull up to Nellie at about the 1.3 mile mark and move past. The only time I peek at the garmin during the race is at the 1.55 mile point and the watch reports 8:38.... Good enough. The two mile mark is right as we turn Left onto the short loop sidewalk prior to reversing direction to the finish. Second mile split of 5:49 and 11:23 2-mile elapsed time. Starting to feel the heat/humidity but know just need to keep the pace going for about another 1/2 mile and should be able to cruise it. I think I have about a 10 second gap at the 2 mile mark.

Can feel the heat pulling me down on the 3rd mile--- know I am slowing down but guessing everyone else is too and don't push any more than I currently am. Come to the 3 mile marker at 17:14 for a 3rd mile split of 5:51. Look over my shoulder as we are taking a hard L turn up toward the finish area. No one in sight. Good, as I didnt really want to sprint the last tenth if I didn't have too due to racing again next week. Not exactly sure of time but think I crossed the clock at 17:52 for a 38 sec run for the last .12 mile. Low-5 pace for the fraction of a mile is good considering not wanting to push although I could have.

Overall felt pretty good considering the conditions. Surprised the hills went as smoothly as they did today. Motivates me to continue the weekly hill work prior to the Hoops race to see how much more I can improve on that area. Table is set for next Saturday's certified 5k course in Clarksville, TN if I ease off on the workouts this week properly.

CBEM co-founder comes out to watch the action. Always good to have a spectator who is also analyzing the race and watching with a critical eye. Looking forward to hearing his thoughts during our normal Sunday run/bull session.



Congrats, Kevin. Enjoy reading your race notes.