Run: Speed Work Previous Next


2:20 PM

1.8 mi


6:40 mi


3 / 10
7 / 10
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8 x 150ish m strides with equal recovery. Focused on keeping my upper body relaxed and really quick turnover.

Random thoughts - long paragraph so prepare yourself... started thinking about cheater shoes more and more. I think I am going to wear them less during the workouts/hard training sessions and save them primarily for races. I'll probably still wear them for the occasional hard and fast track session (which I'll be doing less of after rethinking my training regimen), but for progression runs, fartleks, hills, tempos I think that I'll stick to my trainers. I changed my mind on this after comparing Tuesday to today. Tuesday I did a fartlek in the Saucony cheater shoes. The muscular aspect of it felt great. The pick ups were difficult yet manageable, and I was really only struggling aerobically (which is obviously a good thing!). Recovering at a 5:45-6:00 min pace felt really easy. Overall a solid workout.

Today I just did a normal run. Easy first mile and slowly picked it up to the point where I finished around 6:15s. Wasn't an overly difficult run, but I could feel it in my legs a little bit at the end. Then I could feel my hamstrings really working during the strides as I picked up the pace (averaged 4:50ish pace) and quickened my steps. I felt like my legs and my body were doing the work today. Yeah the times weren't that quick and overall it wasn't anything special, but it was a solid day of work; one that I will be a little bit sore or fatigued from tomorrow. My fartlek Tuesday was a solid day's worth of work, but how much of it was my body working and how much of it was the shoes? I don't know. Maybe it's a mistake not to utilize cheater shoes as much as possible, but I think I'll primarily wear them during races and maybe break them out for that occasional fast track session. Really think that will help me listen to my body more and fine tune my training. Random thoughts over.
