Run: Long Previous Next


20 mi


8:15 mi


Ran with Doug out around the Kennebunk plains from WalMart. Really nice 20 mile course. Felt like I was getting stronger the more we ran. Dog trials at the plains, not sure what that is exactly but some woman was sobbing as we ran by. Tragic. Doug is ready to BQ he is clearly in beast mode. I need to find someone else to marathon with that I can keep pace with. Lance and/or Greg you may have to pace for the last few miles. It is funny how I used to fret about long runs and planning them out. I awoke this morning and Doug was headed into town. I told him that I would be ready in 20 minutes. Ate a cookie for breakfast and a quick coffee and was good to go..



This is nice work


man nice run and great week - sounds like a great course. Count me in for the next tour.