Run: Easy Previous Next


9:19 PM

14.1 mi


7:20 mi


128 bpm
164 bpm
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What was intended to be a shakeout turned into mad dog by joking about it and then turned into prairie dog. Went to surprise Nicole very last second in Waterloo. She moved to Nevada tonight and I prob won’t see her until January. When we do meet, it will be outdoors and 6 feet apart, which will be more challenging in the winter. So, I took her a half bottle of wine. Was thinking I would only see her for a max of 10 minutes, but it turned out to be over an hour and a half. I sat outside of hyvee with my rugged plaid coat with an old blanket around me for about 20 minutes waiting for her to come out. It is rather interesting to see the responses of people who think you are homeless and the feelings one may perhaps feel as being homeless. I scared the bejesus outta her as I walked behind her out to her car. Turned out to be a very fun night. Got back later than expected however. I was driving back and wondered if I could convince Mads to go mad dog tonight. I was still feeling like trash from the night before in addition to RX in 25 so idk why I was so ambitious on doing this. Mads was feeling great while I felt like throwing up at 2.5 miles in. Actually about puked on prairie later on. Overall, very memorable run and have zero regrets doing this one.
