Bike: Easy Previous


5:15 PM

21.1 mi


22.85 mi / hr


159 bpm
175 bpm
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Ragbrai was going right by my place so why not ride. Late enough in the day that I was passing all the drunk people as I went 27 mph for 5 miles. They looked so defeated and zooming past them did not help at all. Got off route in fort dodge and one guy literally followed me in his car honking until I went off the road on a two lane highway. It was funny as his horn was so wimpy that it took me about a minute to realize he was honking at me. Received a very aggressive bird as his 1997 rusted out can of a car howled with a high pitched cub roar while he passed me. My apologizes that I was going 33 mph at this point, a speed that perhaps slowed down your max speed by 7 mph
