Event: Summer Starts Now pt5 Previous Next


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There have been times in my life that I have hit rock bottom, where you feel like the worst of shit and you cant do anything about, at this point I had no motivation, I blamed myself for everything, I even considered leaving the team because I thought it would change the way I felt. Finally I realized that the team was my way out of this feeling and everything that built up to this point seemed to disappear. To this day I am still grateful for not giving up, this team has helped me through a lot and has treated me with the same respect as anyone else that is part of this team. With this in mind I have finally realized that my time is running out and that it is time for me to return this favor and give back to the program while I still am here. I need to not be scared of this darkness that soon awaits me because every member of this program before me has experienced this at some point in their career at NCC.
