Event: Summer Starts Now pt2 Previous Next


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All along I've known senior year will come, yet I have been avoiding and hiding from this soon to come moment. Having that sense of a class above you is always a safety net, it gives you that comfort of time. With this safety net finally lifted off me I have realized that Senior year awaits me and I can enter it in two options: enter blankly and race mediocre or I can use my athletic ability that I have built up through this program and compete to my fullest potential. "You cant be afraid of the dark" a great quote from Jake Jaskowiak '19, For me that darkness is my athletic career ending at NCC. I need to wake up and not be afraid to finish this race I am currently in: Graduating. I wanted to make this post now because if I waited any longer to speak on this it would be too late for me to complete my long term goal.
