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12.7 mi

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I wasn't getting any air from the fan where I was, and I was absolutely sweating buckets. My shirt was pretty much soaked through by the end, and I am not usually a big sweater. Tough workout. 45 minutes cycle / 15 minutes core/stretch.

3 x 90 seconds, with 45 seconds moderate, 45 seconds hard on each one. 90 rpm+.

10 minutes, gradually increasing rpm from 75 to 100 or so.

3 x 90 seconds, same as above.

3 Tabatas (20 seconds hard / 10 off), rest, 4 Tabatas

I feel like the core/stretch is kind of a waste, because the core exercises are just too hard for me, especially after a tough workout. I literally just cannot do about 80% of it. I'm not sure whether this means I should work more on strengthening my core, or just skip the core workout and not worry about it.
