Run: VO2max Previous Next


4:17 PM



No Equipment


175 bpm


21 C
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I had my VO2max tested today. It was a fun but painful experience. Result was 73.2 ml/kg/min which is the highest the place recorded. I think I'll take it. I'll have to take it again because apparently running 18 miles at recovery pace the day before leaves your legs fatigued and not quite in optimal shape for the test. I could only hit 175 bpm and my legs said it was enough. Next time I'll do it after a nice taper so my legs are fresh and ready to roll.

Changes performed by After Import Plugin Version 3.0.4519 on 5/22/2012 21:58:43:

- tweak the cadence track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [10..200])

- tweak the heart rate track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [42..187], remove spikes)

- remove unnecessary values from cadence (691/882), distance (96/882), elevation (836/882), heart rate (430/882)
