Run: Medium LR Previous Next


4:44 PM

15.6 mi


7:40 mi


No Equipment


156 bpm


33 C
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Benbrook, TX


No, this is not a repost of this morning's run. I actually ran home tonight from work in the 90+ weather. Temperature was 94F at 5:30PM and dropped to a "cool" 91F by the time I got home. If I had to describe this run with one word, I'd say "brutal". If I get to use two words I'd say "f$3king brutal". This time the wind was straight out of the south which helped me none and the sun was barreling down as if it was going out of style. Throw in 650ft of total climb and it's one mother of a training session.

Considering how little I ate today I genuinely though I was going to bonk this run but I managed to keep it together and ran only 1 beat higher average HR for this run than this morning's run. However my pace was almost 30 seconds/mile slower. That's 600 ft of climb differential and 20 degrees of temp differential for you and it's not like this morning's 74F was all that cool to begin with but it was nothing compared to this scorcher of a run. I figured it would take me 2 hours to get home and I managed to do it in 1:59. Since I started 10 minutes later than anticipated I stopped at mile 13.5 at the gas station, bought a Powerade and called my wife to tell her I was going to be 10 minutes late just to make sure she wouldn't worry. Before the run I was toying with the idea of adding another mile loop to it at the end but by the time I got to the loop there was no way I was going to run any more than I had to. Given that I had to run to the underpass on my way back it was already 0.2 miles longer than the morning run and at this point any extra mileage was just pure misery.

On a brighter note, I managed to run 31.2 miles total for the day, 51.25 miles in the last 2 days, 83 miles so far for the week in 4 days with 4 doubles and almost 118 miles in the last 7 days which is a new record by 10 miles. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow but I'm sure it will be something far less epic.

Changes performed by After Import Plugin Version 3.0.4519 on 5/24/2012 21:03:42:

- tweak the cadence track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [10..200])

- tweak the heart rate track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [42..187], remove spikes)

- remove unnecessary values from cadence (6588/7149), distance (2/7149), elevation (6207/7149), heart rate (4766/7149)

Changes performed by After Import Plugin Version 3.0.4519 on 5/24/2012 21:04:39:

- remove spurious points from the GPS track that would result in unrealistic speed values

(>15.7 mph): 1319/7147

(>2.0*Max(Average speed, zone Running.Low))

- tweak the cadence track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [10..200])

- tweak the power track (remove slope artefacts, limit to [0..1000], remove spikes)

- remove unnecessary points from GPS track (5452/5828)
