Bike: Mountain Bike Previous Next


5:30 PM

9.5 mi


9.02 mi / hr


170 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Did a full loop at FL with my Dad and Duncan. When I put on my front wheel in the parking lot my brake pad (disc brakes) fell off. I tried to put it back in but couldn't get it to stay. I knew they were going to be waiting on me at the TH, so what did I do? That's right, I took the other brake pad and spring clamp out of the rotor housing and decided to give the ride a try w/o front brake! My Dad wanted me to lead...haha! It turned out to be ok, but a little sketchy on a few of the descents. I really had to control my speed going into any downhills in order to not lock up my rear brake. I actually think on the flats and curves that no front brake really helped my riding. I'll have to try and use it less from now on.

Saw a bobcat crossing the trail just after we finished. Very cool.

(will add distance and time info later)
