Bike: Group Previous Next


5:40 PM

29 mi


17.9 mi / hr


170 lb
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Whew...this one hurt. Biked up to Cooper from the house but was a couple minutes late. Saw the group heading out of the parking lot as I got there but had to stash my T2 bag somewhere so they got about a 2-3 minute head start. Took off quickly to try and catch them early and worked my way up the group without much trouble. However, about 10 guys had broke away off the front and opened up a sizable gap. I worked hard to try and close it slowly and steadily but then hit the lit at Alma. Continued on for the next lap and half trying to close the gap and finally succeeded! However, I was spent. I burned up pretty much all the energy I had catching them and couldn't hang with them on the interval sets. Oh well. You know on Back To The Future Part III when they are trying to get the train up to 88mph. Well they throw on a red log to the engine to push their speed all the way up...I needed a red log today...and there wasn't one to be found. What can you do?
