Run: Brick Previous Next


7:05 PM

1.8 mi


9:37 mi


170 lb
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<No name>


Can you say BONK!!!!??? This was a not so successful Cooper Brick run. I did everything wrong leading up to today's workouts. Did a harder run last night, only slept 5 hours, didn't drink much water at all today, forgot my electrolytes, wore a loose jersey and running shorts, biked almost 20 miles before the brick bike every started, then started 3 minutes behind the pack! Ooops!! I drank a lot of water on the bike since it was so hot, but didn't have any salt so had trouble absorbing it. My stomach was all sloshy when I got off the bike and I was hurting. Cramped 3 times just trying to get my running shoes on! Took it easy on the run and even walked up a hill (yikes!). Not happy with this run at all, but I didn't take care of myself at all today so what can I expect!??
