Bike: Group Previous Next


6:49 AM

28.7 mi


20.7 mi / hr


170 lb
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Awesome ride!!! Rode up to CK and met my 2 best riding buddies (did IMTX together in 2011), Aaron and Sean. Unfortunately, Aaron got a flat in the first mile...dang. Sean and Aaron worked together to get it changed quickly and we were back on the road. We decided to make the ride a challenge and catch back up to the 'A' group that we started with. We quickly caught the 'C' group and went on by. We worked pretty hard with me and Aaron taking turns pulling at the front of our 3-man paceline (Sean was on a road bike so just hung on to our wheel). We caught the 'B' group a little over halfway through the ride and sat at the back to recover a bit. After 3-5 minutes, it was obvious the 3 of us really wanted to try and catch the 'A' group. So, we took off and formed our 3-man paceline again to try and run them down. We were all surprised how quickly we caught them and then went on by the rest of the way to CK. GREAT RIDE!



You guys are beasts. I wouldn't want to mess with the three of you.