Bike: Commute Previous Next


7:46 AM

6.4 mi


13.88 mi / hr


170 lb
125 bpm
192 bpm
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Wow! What a way to start the day. Great breakfast with my dad and Jacob followed by a 100% MUP commute into work. Hopped on the Preston Ridge Trail to the Bluebonnet Trail which took me all the way into my work parking lot. Thanks to Dad for the lift to Little Gus's this morning.

Had an incredible ride, taking it real easy, watching the sun rise higher and listening to David Crowder. Talk about putting me in a good place this morning surrendering to God...check out these lyrics. I may or may not have been singing loudly as I pedaled along!

"Why me Lord

What have I ever done to deserve even one

Of the pleasures I've known

Tell me Lord

What did I ever do that was worth love from you

Or the kindness you've shown

Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so

Help me Jesus, you know what I am

Now that I know that I've needed you so

Help me Jesus my soul's in your hands"

and then....

"Fall on your knees

Forgiven and clean

Forgiven and free

Here we are

It's too wonderful

It's too wonderful

Oh reverent love burn us up

Until what I was is gone"

and then....

"This place is trying to break my belief

But my faith is bigger than all I can see

What I need is redemption

What I need is for You for to put me back on my feet

I swear I'm trying to give everything

But I feel I'm falling, oh make me believe

What I need is resurrection

What I need is for You to put me back on my feet

If I could feel You shine Your perpetual light

Then maybe I could crawl out of this tonight

If I could feel You feel You shine

Oh let me feel You shine

So beautiful and warm

So beautiful and bright

Like a sun comin' out of a rainy sky

Oh let me feel You shine Oh,

Let me feel You shine"

I AM HUMBLED. Let me see the world with your eyes today Lord.


