Run: Medium Long Previous Next


3:46 PM

8.7 mi


8:09 mi

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Ahhhhhh! That was such a rough medium long run, in fact, I would wager that it might have even been my hardest medium long run ever... The run started off fine, we started with Sir Bemps, and from there, there were no problems to be seen, we were one happy family. We then split off from the magnificent runner Beohmkememe, and turned right up to a slight hill, despite my warning that we were going towards a hill. Once we ventured up this huge Illinoisan mountain, we saw a herd of horses next to it! Those horses looked sooo freaking majestic, possibly the most majestic pack of animals I have ever seen. The way they bobbed their heads up and down to drink their water was a sight to be seen. We stopped for a few seconds and then, we proceeded to name a few of the horses, one was called Caaaarrrrrrrlllll (In that exact manner) and another one was called Douglas (guess who named that one). We quickly realized that we got distracted by a few horses, and went on with the run, but oh boy were those horses GORGEOUS. After that encounter with the horses, the run went downhill from there. I was running with Parkipoo and Jacob trying my best to act like Yab since I was replacing Yab for the day, and then it happened. Jacob and Park said something that made me laugh uncontrollably... I can't really explain it, but once they said it, I couldn't help but just laugh really hard. They both saw what was happening, and I guess they decided to make do with my weakened state as much as possible. They repeated the phrase over and over again, almost taunting me until my core started to hurt. It got to the point where I looked really crazy, but at the same time, I couldn't stop laughing! It was a rather frustrating point in my life and for the rest of the 30-45 minutes, I was taunted with this phrase. I was really close to not being able to finish the run because of pure laughter. It was just so explosive that I couldn't do anything about it! We ended up finishing the run exactly on the cap of 70 minutes, but wowza, that was harder than some workouts I've run. thanks for listening to my Ted Talk!
