Swim: Mixed Previous Next


2:10 PM

465 yd


3:15 / 100yd

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Wowza, So I talked about what I needed to do with Olivia, and now I feel as though I am a pro... so if you wanna do this type of stuff hit me up!?! (Don't do that, I still am lacking in experience, and have zero idea what I'm doing, and I'm very much so YOLO-ING everything...) aaaNNNnnYYWaaaYyy I heard that everyone else did regular swimming before they did some aqua jogging, so that's what I did. I did a bunch of random swimming forms for about 15 minutes, I mostly did freestyle though. I feel accomplished today because during this warm-up someone felt the need to go up to me and say (and I quote) "NiCe BreAthIng!" I said back thanks and left out all of my other thought of, I have zero idea what I'm doing. It was a nice gesture though, and it got me through my swimming, so thanks, random dude.
